If you’re looking to share news, jobs, or events/training with charitable and community groups in Southwark, our website is the platform for you.
Our Community News section is designed to connect charities, community groups, and other not-for-profit organisations in Southwark with each other.
- Please consider your target audience before you post. Our community news page is most useful for people who want to share news/jobs/events and training with other groups, not individual residents.
- Although we can include events targeted to residents, as other charities and community groups can refer people they work with, it is often more appropriate to use the Southwark Council events page for this: https://www.southwark.gov.uk/events-culture-and-heritage/submit.
- When crafting your article for the website, it’s crucial to provide a complete picture. This means including all relevant details such as time, place, booking link, website, and contact details. If applicable, information about your organisation should also be included.
- Please keep the language simple and easily understandable for everyone visiting the website and avoid using complicated terms or acronyms.
- Also, don’t forget to upload a logo or relevant image in JPG or PNG format with a size of 600 x 600 pixels. We can’t publish images that don’t fit this size requirement.
- We don’t publish posters directly, but you can provide a link to them if they are posted on another website.
- We carefully review each submitted article to ensure it aligns with our mission of supporting and connecting the voluntary and community sector in Southwark. Please note that we may not be able to publish every submitted article.
- We feature some articles from our community news section in our e-bulletins and social media.
Here are 2 examples of good submissions which we have published in the past:
Well-being day for anyone affected by Multiple Sclerosis
Lived experience should be valued.
We are a small team, so processing your submission might take at least 7 days.
The more notice you can give us, the better, as we don’t want to miss the chance to share your item!