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Safeguarding Leaders Network

This Safeguarding Leaders Network is for those in Southwark's voluntary sector that lead on child or adult safeguarding.

The Safeguarding Leaders Network is for those in Southwark’s voluntary sector that lead on child or adult safeguarding.

We know that during this difficult time there have been additional pressures on those that are responsible for the safeguarding of staff, volunteers and beneficiaries. This relatively new network wants to understand the issues that you are encountering so that we can work together to find practical solutions.

Chair:Diana Hofler, Time and Talents


To offer Safeguarding Leads from across Southwark’s VCS the opportunities to develop, enhance and assess their services through knowledge exchange and peer support.

To ensure VCS representatives attending the Southwark Safeguarding Boards (and other relevant forums) on behalf of the sector are informed of the sector’s views and experiences in relation to safeguarding, including in relation to new and emerging issues and best practice.

To support a two-way dialogue between Safeguarding Leads within the VCS and the Southwark Safeguarding Partnership to:

  • Ensure that the sector is kept informed of developments and discussions held at the Southwark Safeguarding Boards and up to date on policies, procedures, safeguarding thresholds and any upcoming opportunities
  • Raise any problems or trends identified by the sector in local safeguarding practice (eg. how safeguarding issues raised by the sector are responded to, training, etc.)
  • Involve VCS service providers at a strategic level in the co-design, delivery and evaluation of statutory services relating to safeguarding
Join the Network

If you are interested in joining the Network contact Alex Wells at info@communitysouthwark.org

You can read the Terms of Reference for the Network here.

Safeguarding submission form

We want to hear from VCS organisations in Southwark about your safeguarding challenges and the emerging concerns you are identifying. Share your thoughts and help make safeguarding everybody’s business!


Safeguarding Resources

For the latest safeguarding resources including escalation policies and key contacts, visit our Safeguarding Resources page.