Action and discussion points
- Care Agency standards – multiple VCS groups have noticed issues with staff from care agencies not providing the right level of care or support for people. This network will collect examples and bring to the wider Safeguarding Adults board – please get in touch with us to share any news or information you have.
- Referral feedback – discussions are still ongoing with the council about the feedback provided to VCS groups once a safeguarding referral has been made. Please get in touch with us if you have any comments or questions about this.
- Multi-agency conferences regarding individuals – network members do not seem to be invited to join these, and VCS groups often have a lot of insight regarding an individual’s needs. Will be discussed in more detail.
- Complex case pathway responsibilities – VCS groups were being asked to convene meetings outside of capacity. Again will be discussed in more detail with the council.
- Transitional Safeguarding (between child and adult ages) – a challenge nationally and a new priority for the Adults board, further discussions to be held.
- Level 3 training on My Learning Source – network members seem to be having lots of issues accessing these. Please share any difficulties you have experienced so we can look into this.
Information and resources
- Updated Threshold of Need guidance for child safeguarding – this will be embedded across practice in Southwark
- NSPCC services available through London Hub – Southwark based VCS groups are encouraged to make use of NSPCC services (based in Camden) through referrals and signposting
- Free Sexual Health training courses for professionals working with young people – provided by Brook for organisations in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham, range of dates and courses available.
- New Violence Against Women support services in Southwark – provided by LOVO, includes emergency financial support and peer support groups.
- Young Carers Awareness Training – free sessions to help groups learn about young carers and how best to support them. Next session 7 December.
- Safeguarding Adults Week – national campaign taking place 20-24 November.
- Free training on gambling and gaming harm for organisations working with young people – provided by the London Safeguarding Children Partnership. Dates in November still available.
Next meeting
- The next network meeting will be held on 30 November, 11am-1pm. All are welcome, please register for your free place via our website.