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Safeguarding and Southwark Council

As the Local Authority, Southwark Council has overall responsibility for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults in the borough, and facilitates a number of important groups which involve the voluntary and community sector.

There are a number of different boards and working groups, with members from across private, public and voluntary sectors, that contribute to safeguarding in Southwark. Below you will find information about each different element.


Safeguarding Leaders Network

The most relevant group for most of our members, this network sees safeguarding leads from across the voluntary and community sector come together to share their views, experiences and suggestions for improvement. This network is facilitated by us at Community Southwark, as one of our regular networks, and feeds into Southwark Voice – our ‘network-of-networks’.

The group meets quarterly, and is Chaired by Diana Hofler, from Time and Talents. If you have anything you would like to discuss with the network, please email Alex Wells at info@communitysouthwark.org.

Council-led boards

Southwark Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB)
Southwark Safeguarding Children’s Network (SSCP)

These two boards are facilitated by the overall Southwark Safeguarding Partnership, and both feature representatives from a wide rnage of agencies, including the council, the police, health services and the voluntary sector. The voluntary sector is represented by some larger charities, as well as two VCS representatives from the Safeguarding Leaders Network above. These boards meet quarterly, and feed into the annual Joint Board meeting.

The two VCS representatives ensure a two-way dialogue between the other partners and the wider voluntary and community sector. They collect the sector’s views and experiences in relation to safeguarding, including new and emerging issues and best practice, and feed back to the other partners. If you want to discuss something or raise an issue you can contact them Safeguarding Leaders Network, or use this online submission form 

Your VCS Representatives are: 

Community Southwark also attends a number of related sub-groups on behalf of the sector: 

  • Violence Reduction Strategic Group (previously known as Community Harm and Exploitation Reduction Board)
  • Learning and Engagement Hub

Keeping up to date with safeguarding

You can sign up to the overall Southwark Safeguarding Partnership newsletter – this is distributed quarterly by the independent chair and shares updates and useful resources. Community Southwark will also distribute or promote any important changes the voluntary and community sector should be aware of.

Terms of reference

  • Southwark Safeguarding Adults Board – Terms of reference
  • Southwark Safeguarding Children’s Partnership – Terms of reference
  • Violence Reduction Strategic Group – Terms of reference (TBC)
  • Community Safety Parternship – Terms of reference (TBC)
  • Learning and Engagement Hub – Terms of reference (TBC)