The built environment affects the way we all live. Find information about policy, programmes, and legislation to help you navigate the world of planning and regeneration.
Changes to the built environment can be life-altering, so it’s essential that communities are involved when planning decisions are being made. Participating in regeneration in your area will allow you to literally shape your own community!
The reality is that community engagement in matters of planning and regeneration can be low which can make it more challenging to hold developers and the local planning authority to account on their legal and moral obligations. Think about it this way: there are roughly 32,000 people in Southwark. If just 0.5% of the population, or 1,600 people, consistently defended the interests of their community in planning matters then the change and collective benefit to residents would be profound! This relies on people like you getting involved to make sure that the regeneration reflects community needs! Read more here >>>
What is a social regeneration charter, and why is it any different from the New Southwark Plan?
What is the New Southwark Plan - what it is and when it will be available.
What is the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)? Read our short guide to understand the key points.
The development consultation charter is a policy document that outlines a set of minimum consultation requirements that developers must show they achieved to show proper engagement with the local community.
It's a good idea to familiarise yourself with some key local policy from Southwark Council, as well as national legislation so that you are aware of your rights in planning matters and can hold people to account on their obligations.
A quick explainer of why your involvement is so important in planning and regeneration.
Getting involved in planning matters is very important because planning vastly affects local communities, businesses, and residents, and will most likely directly impact the way you live. Check out this overview of Southwark Council's SCI to learn the council's obligation with regard to engagement and planning matters.