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Our Neighbourhood Networking events are back! This time we were in South Southwark!!!

Community Southwark ran another successful networking event! This time we were in South Southwark hosted by Bell House.

This Feb we have resumed our neighbourhood networking events!

Our plan is to visit each postcode in turn to meet more of our fantastic members to find out what’s going on in each neighbourhood and understand what Community Southwark can do to help.

We started with visiting SE17 The venue for this first event was the St John’s Centre on 64 Larcom Street, SE17 1NQ. For our second event we visited SE22+SE24, the venue was Goose Green Centre St John’s on East Dulwich Road, SE22 9AT.

This event we were hosted by Bell House (27 College Rd, London SE21 7BG). A beautiful, historic venue in the heart of Dulwich.

Bell House venue

What we did:

  • We had wonderful guest speakers. Angus spoke about the amazing history behind Bell House and their current work in providing a range of social and education activities that support neurodiversity, as well as their plans for creating a Just Giving Circle to support local groups access unrestricted funding.
  • We also heard from Rachel (Social Change Agency) and their current project in supporting grassroot organisations in setting up and working towards becoming more sustainable.
  • Met and networked with like-minded individuals over refreshments.
  • Discussed issues and barriers organisations are facing and looked at how we can work together to address this.
  • Listened to taster sessions from various projects Community Southwark is providing, including evaluation and impact as part of our ‘Make your Mark‘ programme & how we can support voluntary community groups around ‘Volunteering‘.
  • Provided with a booklet to record information and contact details of those they networked with.




We also had a delicious vegan and gluten free lunch by Afrobbean Kitchen.



Overall attendees have said they found it extremely beneficial to have the opportunity to share ideas, collaborate and support one another, and will be following up with organisations they have connected with to build their relationships further.

Feedback from the South Southwark Neighbourhood networking event:

feedback illustrated by graphs and word cloud

When is the next event?

We will be planning for events in the SE1, SE5, SE15 & SE16 neighbourhoods from May onwards (TBC). If you can host this event please do get in touch!

Want to know more?

If you have any questions about our neighbourhood networking events, please email: info@communitysouthwark.orgt.

Community Southwark membership

These events are for Community Southwark members based or operating in different areas of Southwark. If you are not currently a member you can sign up for free on our website.

Need Support?

If you need an support or advice for your organisation, please do get in touch: info@communitysouthwark.org