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The difference we make

Community Southwark exists to support the voluntary and community sector in Southwark. In order to do this we work hard across our different teams, running training workshops, facilitating networks, sharing information and helping people start volunteering, are some of our key areas. But are we effective? Are we doing a good job?  

This video above shows four of our member charities helping us to answer these questions. Helen Rapheal from Habits CIC, Jack Hartshorn from Kingswood Arts, Hadi Shariff from Panjshir Aid and Cat Smith from Community Tech Aid, all talk about the support that they have had from Community Southwark and the impact that this has had on their charities.


Here are some stats from our 2023/2024 Impact report:

secured into Southwark’s Voluntary and Community Sector.
new volunteers, an increase of 24% from the previous year.
One-to-one casework advice sessions were completed.

Our 2023/2024 Impact Report

Read all about our exciting new projects!

Our 2022/2023 Impact Report

We are transforming our Quarterly Network Meetings to offer more in-person opportunities.

Our 2021/22 Impact Report

The support and dedication of all our staff, trustees, volunteers, funders and supporters has as usual been amazing and we thank you all.

Our 2019/20 Impact Report

2019/2020 represented another busy year in the life of the charity. We can look back at this period and what impact we made in our 2019/20 Impact Report.

Our 2018-19 Impact Report

By strengthening the foundations of Southwark’s incredible voluntary and community sector, Community Southwark has played an important part in improving the lives of those in Southwark.

Evaluation & Impact Support: Make Your Mark Programme

Community Southwark has secured funding from City Bridge Trust to run a five year programme, designed to help Southwark based organisations to understand how to measure and describe their impact.