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Opportunity to provide training for staff at Southwark Council

Southwark Council is procuring training to support staff learning on evidence-based working, making better use of data, and meaningfully involving residents and communities in service design and delivery.
For further information, please contact Gargie Ahmad

Southwark Council is procuring training to support staff learning on evidence-based working, making better use of data, and meaningfully involving residents and communities in service design and delivery.

This training is being procured as part of a new initiative, the Southwark Insights & Intelligence Programme (SIIP). The programme seeks to improve the way we use, and learn from, data and evidence, to design better services that improve health and reduce inequalities. The programme website is here: https://www.southwark.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/southwark-insights-and-intelligence-programme-siip

We welcome bids to provide this training from any suitably qualified providers. We particularly encourage bids from voluntary and community based organisations in Southwark, to enable local organisations to provide training on working with local communities. Bids from local universities and research organisations are also particularly welcomed.

We need the training programme to focus on the below sets of topics, which need to cover some specific modules. Potential providers are welcome to bid for the training modules requested for any combination of these sets (or only one set if your expertise is focused to that area):
• Research, monitoring, and evaluation
• Using evidence and tools to support commissioning & policy making
• Data and intelligence
• Involving communities

Please see all details of set and required modules listed on the ProContract website: https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=0f7f99bc-4b4b-ef11-812d-005056b64545&p=2241eb95-058a-e511-80f7-000c29c9ba21

The delivery format for training will be face-to-face (with hybrid option), with 2-3 sessions per module per year.

We will be hosting virtual drop-in Q&A information sessions on Microsoft Teams for any providers interested in bidding for these sets of training courses on the following dates and times:

• Wednesday 14 August 14.00-15.30
• Wednesday 21 August 10.00-11.30
• Tuesday 3 September 12.00-13.30

Please note:

You will need to be registered with ProContract as a supplier to submit a bid – please visit the registration page to complete this: https://procontract.due-north.com/Register

The Southwark Insights & Intelligence Programme team