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Open Call at SET Social, Peckham

SET are looking for proposals for new use of the space!

In June, the Think Big, Read community mini-library in Peckham will be moving to Glasgow, and SET are looking for proposals for new use of the space! Please submit your proposal by Thursday, 2 May.

It’s been over a year since Oisín Roberts transformed a corner of SET Social into a free community library, and since then, Oisín and his volunteers lent hundreds of books to members and hosted readings, film screenings, book launches, markets, workshops and writing groups.

We want to keep the community spirit of the library going and pass the space on to a new project.

The space will be free to use with the opportunity to curate four events a year at SET Social. We are looking for proposals from libraries (established or aspiring), small presses, publishers, bookshops, collectives, charities and local organisations who are interested in taking it on next. It is important that projects submit proposals that will add to our programming and fit our ethos of affordability and accessibility.

Please email your proposals to submissions@setspace.uk with the subject ‘Library Proposal’ by midnight, Thursday 2 May.

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a tour of the space, feel free to get in touch at the same address.