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NSPCC is taking referrals

NSPCC is taking referrals for two recovery services. The services are delivered from the Camden-based hub, and families from Southwark can be referred in.
For further information, please contact Londonandseregionalhubduty@nspcc.org.uk

NSPCC is taking referrals for two recovery services. The services are delivered from the Camden-based hub, and families from Southwark can be referred in.

More information can be found here:

• LTFI (Letting the Future in):

Through Letting the Future In, NSPCC supports children and young people, aged 4 to 17, to rebuild their lives after experiencing sexual abuse. Practitioners work with children in safe therapeutic spaces, doing things like messy play, writing, storytelling and art to help them express feelings they can’t put into words.

• DART (Domestic Abuse Recovering Together):

DART is a group work programme that helps children and mothers get back on track after experiencing domestic abuse. Over ten weeks, mothers and children aged 7 to 14 meet to explore their experiences, learn coping strategies and rebuild their individual parent-child relationships.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact NSPCC

(duty tel: 0203 772 9905, duty email: LondonandSEregionalhubduty@nspcc.org.uk)