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National HIV Testing Week- Do you know your HIV status?

Most people will get a negative result, but whatever happens, it’s important to know that anyone diagnosed with HIV in the UK can access free treatment and support.

It’s been 10 years since the start of National HIV Testing Week campaign! This year, during 5-11 February, Southwark is calling on residents to test for HIV which is free and confidential from Sexual Health London or your local sexual health clinic.

To support this campaign, if you are having a blood test during this week, your GP will include an HIV screen.

The sooner you know your HIV status, the sooner you can get treatment and avoid passing the virus on to anyone else. Most people will get a negative result, but whatever happens, it’s important to know that anyone diagnosed with HIV in the UK can access free treatment and support.

GP Clinical Lead for HIV for South East London, Ruth Harris said:

“As a GP in Lambeth I am so excited for HIV Testing Week 2024. This week is a brilliant opportunity to have an HIV blood test from your GP surgery.”

“Whether you are already having a routine blood test or want to have an HIV test, speak to your practice about how to be tested.”

“It is a free, easy and confidential and if we can test everyone living in Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark we will be one step closer to ending new HIV transmissions in London by 2030”

Testing is quick and easy and you can even do it in the comfort of your own home.

If you have not had a test before or your last test was 6 months ago, order a home test kit today from Sexual Health London