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Member Spotlight: Ladies of Virtue Outreach (LOVO)

Ladies of Virtue Outreach (LOVO) is our February 2019 #Spotlight organisation! LOVO has been a Community Southwark member since 2011. Ladies of Virtue Outreach is a growing community organisation based in Southwark and operating for the last ten years. They describe themselves as a one-stop centre for vulnerable women and their families – mostly from BME communities, and providing […]

Ladies of Virtue Outreach (LOVO) is our February 2019 #Spotlight organisation! LOVO has been a Community Southwark member since 2011.

Ladies of Virtue Outreach is a growing community organisation based in Southwark and operating for the last ten years. They describe themselves as a one-stop centre for vulnerable women and their families – mostly from BME communities, and providing care and support services to help improve their quality of life.

Ladies of Virtue’s work is largely focused on communities in Peckham and Camberwell, working to ‘engage and empower disadvantaged and marginalised women’ through three key service areas: personal development training, well-being initiatives and mentoring with referral services.

Positivism and belief is the hallmark of the organisation, personified in its founder – Ola Olive who is a strong advocate for empowering and promoting women issues and achievements.

For the third year running LOVO has organised a ‘Virtue Awards’, an award that celebrates the lives of young women aged 14 -24 years, who have displayed exemplary character and outstanding achievement.

Its outstanding work was recognised by a recent grant award from the Big Lottery Fund – now National Lottery Community Fund, under the Reaching Communities Programme.

To find out more about LOVO, including nominations for the 2019 Virtue Awards which is now open, you can visit their website

Would you like a spotlight?

Please get in touch if you would like a spotlight film and/or website article created by our Community Southwark communications team on your charity, or if you have a ‘Good News Story’ to share: communications@communitysouthwark.org You can showcase these films or articles on your website and social media to help you to showcase the work that you do and recruit more volunteers.

Also, if Community Southwark has supported your organisation in some way, whether that be with a funding application, your monitoring & evaluation, volunteer management, or any other area, we would love to hear from you! Please use the same above email address.