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Making an inclusive and diverse trustee board


Change is needed to address the under-representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) individuals on trustee boards across the Voluntary sector in the UK. Research shows that only 9.6% of trustees in 100 UK major charities are BAME (Green Park, 2019). In addition, just 2.9% of trustees in the sector are women of colour and 62% of the UK’s largest charities have all-white boards (Inclusive Boards, 2018).

It is the responsibility of every charity to address this inequality and work towards having an inclusive and diverse board – diverse in terms of race and gender, but also in terms of socio-economic background, age, disability, sexual orientation and many other individual characteristics that reflect the communities the Voluntary sector serves. This guide sets out practical steps towards achieving this.

Download it here:

Making an inclusive and diverse trustee board

Getting on Board resource

Getting on board have put together some useful info around changing the face of Trusteeship:

Download it here:

How to be an ally: designing boards for racial diversity