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Local Ward Meetings

Each ward meets with their councillors a few times per year to talk about issues affecting their neighbourhood

Local Ward Meetings

Each ward meets with their councillors a few times per year to talk about issues affecting their
neighbourhood, and discuss ways that public money and time could be spent improving it, and new regeneration proposals in the area. These are your opportunity to directly engage with the issues in your local neighbourhood, and everyone in the neighbourhood is welcome (and encouraged) to come along.

Your local councillor organises community meetings for members of their ward to discuss issues affecting the local area.​ Sometimes, your councillor will chair a joint meeting with a neighbouring ward/ councillor to discuss an issue affecting both wards.

There are two ways to find out when your next ward meeting is. The first is to check out our events section on this website, and the second is to contact the local Empowering Communities Development Officer whose details you can find below.

Meetings have been on hold since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
