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Launch of BAMER HUB 2.0

Join BAMER HUB, your FREE online platform - A ONE STOP SHOP designed to strengthen and grow your BAMER-led charity, community group or social enterprise.

Is your Black, Asian, Multi-Ethnic or Refugee (BAMER)-led non-profit looking to increase its impact, but struggling with where to start? Finding affordable, relevant, and appropriate support for your organisation can be uphill task. We get it because we’ve been there too.

Join BAMER HUB, your FREE online platform – A ONE STOP SHOP designed to strengthen and grow your BAMER-led charity, community group or social enterprise.

Discover hundreds of funding opportunities, access free courses and training, connect with other members in your area, engage in discussions, and stay tuned for the upcoming BAMER HUB Mobile App.

Join BAMERHUB.COM for FREE and unlock the tools you need to excel operationally and secure funding!