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Kingswood Arts ‘Our House’ Consultation

During the Spring and Summer 2023 Kingswood Arts ran a series of workshops, events & consultations with 8 groups of residents on the Kingswood Estate and surrounding areas. The project was called 'Our House' and was all about finding out the ideas, priorities and dreams of our community so that we could build a co-created programme and organisation that meets the needs of our community. We would love to share some of the findings and outcomes from the project with local partners, key stakeholders and other interested parties.

Dear industry partners!

During the Spring and Summer 2023 Kingswood Arts ran a series of workshops, events & consultations with 8 groups of residents on the Kingswood Estate and surrounding areas.

The project was called ‘Our House’ and was all about finding out the ideas, priorities and dreams of our community so that we could build a co-created programme and organisation that meets the needs of our community. We would love to share some of the findings and outcomes from the project with local partners, key stakeholders and other interested parties.

We produced a short documentary, which gives and insight into what happened – https://youtu.be/11DU7TtYgdI?si=Zw5ySEo2YAc5epF2

And report, detailing what happened and what the findings were you can read here. 

In numbers:

790 people engaged with Our House
22 creative workshops & activities took place
85 Local artists attended 2 listening sessions
83 participants were young people under the age of 25
10 older people aged 60+ participated
The Our House project engaged 61 pupils from 2 local schools
10 local freelance artists contributed to Our House

If you are interested in finding out more about the project, or would be interested in reading the full report, please let us know!

We would like to thank Sharon Kanolik, the Independent Engagement Consultant who produced the report and lead on the consultation.

This report will help guide our next steps as an organisation but by no means is the end of our consultation! It is an ongoing thing that will continue forever.