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Involve (Business & Community Engagement)

Welcome to Community Southwark's Corporate Employee Volunteering Programme called INVOLVE.

Welcome to Community Southwark’s Corporate Employee Volunteering Programme called INVOLVE.


We help our corporate partners to make the biggest possible impact  for their staff and for the charities and community organisations in and around Southwark.  

We love having corporate partners join us in our work with the community and we offer a range of options for corporate contributions:


Corporate Team Away Day Challenges  

A team of up to 30 will be welcomed at one of our community partners and spend the day with practical self-sufficiency tasks such as tending a community garden or helping out at a soup kitchen. Please note: we operate a charge for this service.  


Skills-Based Pro Bono

We will work with you and your colleagues to identify how the professional skills and expertise within your organisation can be harnessed to help transform the work of our community partners, such as running a skills workshop, hosting a ‘Hackathon’, providing some 1-2-1 mentoring or a bespoke project. You can read a case study about skills-based volunteering here: Corporate Volunteering Spotlight: Katie Harvard Taylor – Community Southwark 



One of the greatest challenges facing the VCS in Southwark is access to affordable space for their work – whether that’s a permanent office, one-off event space or regular meeting rooms. Community Southwark is working on a project to match charities with suitable space, so if you have any offices, meeting rooms or other areas that you could offer to our members, please let us know via our website: https://communitysouthwark.org/vcs-support/resources/venues/premises-matching-project/. We are also keen to hear from you if you could donate office furniture, supplies or other materials to our members. 


Get in touch.. 

If you would like to have a chat to explore how we could work together and add value to your company’s volunteering programmes, or you simply have a questions you’d like to ask, please do get in touch: involve@communitysouthwark.orgor (020 3848 6540).