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How does Southwark Council work?

Information on local democracy in Southwark, including councillors, MPs, Empowering Communities, and more.
For information on how to influence local authority decision making, please refer to this guide.

Overview of Southwark Council

A basic understanding of how Southwark council is structured is helpful for knowing the various ways of influencing policy.

What is the Cabinet, and what happens at its meetings?

The Cabinet is a select group of councillors (it needs to be more than 2, but cannot be more than 10) who come together to make important council decisions.

The council’s process when making a decision

A decision on council action may need to be made for a number of reasons. It could be a response to local pressures, national policy, or a predetermined council responsibility such as setting the budget.

Who are the different Cabinet members, and what do they do?

Cabinet members are councillors that hold a specific portfolio, or area of responsibility, and attend Cabinet meetings to make important decisions.

Who are the different strategic directors, and what do they do?

Eleanor Kelly is Southwark’s Chief Executive with responsibility for regeneration, planning, human resources, and corporate strategy.

The difference between councillors and council officers

Councillors are elected representatives, who each represent one of the borough’s 63 wards.