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Volunteers needed for Making Connections Arts in the Old Waiting Room Peckham Rye Station Oct 20-Nov 18

  • Start: 20th October, 2023 @ 12:00AM
  • End: 18th November, 2023 @ 12:00AM
  • The Old Waiting Room - Peckham Rye Station

Making Connections is a season of events that aims to open up the potential of this exciting and historic building to new and contemporary ideas. Come and be a part of it!

From live jazz performances to a Peckham-themed music hall sing-a-long and train-themed zombie film screenings to international storytelling and talks with talented local writers, we have collaborated with local initiatives to bring a wide range of events to the Old Waiting Room.

There will also be artists’ residencies that respond to the space and imaginative site-specific theatre that
transports you through time.

Making Connections is a collaboration between Lost Text Found Space and the Friends of the Old Waiting
Room, with support from Peckham Society and Thriving High Streets Fund from Southwark Council.

If you would like to volunteer to support events, stewarding and supporting audiences, please get in contact

Events run from 20th October to 18th November.
All events are free or pay what you can.
Click the link below now for a full lineup and to book.