If you’re a Black and Minority Ethnic led community (BME) organisation, your services are for people from Black and ethnic minority communities and your serious about making it easier to develop your organisation, then join the BME -led community organisations circle, every fortnight for 90 minutes where you can achieve more than you ever thought you could.
This is the rearranged ( from 14th June) third session in our 4 part BME Charity Sector Circle series. In this session we look behind the scences of the grant funder and provide you with some great take – aways for you increase your chances of grant funding success.
This Session will help you understand
- Where there could be a likely bias in funder systems, processes and assessment criteria that works against BME – led groups when they apply for grant funding.
- Find out the list of assesment critera most funders use
- How mistakes can lead you to grant success
- Tips on how to improve your chances of raising more unresticted /core funding
Benefits of the Circle programme:
• Build your skills, knowledge and confidence on how to run your organisation
• Increase and widen your network and partnership opportunities
• Improve your organisation’s ability to attract funding
• Be clearer on why your organisation exists and what difference you are making
• Gain knowledge of how you can help to shift power dynamics which exist he charity sector and within public and local authority systems and processes.
Tuesday 12th July 10.30am – 12.00pm . This is a FREE event.
A Zoom link will be sent out to attendees by email 48 hours before the event.