Join Healthwatch Southwark’s Annual General Meeting and learn about their work over the last 12 months and their priorities for 2022/23.
The AGM will take place on Wed 16 Nov, from 1:30-2:30 pm, at Theatre Peckham 221 Havil Street London SE5 7SB.
Before the AGM, the team will be hosting a Health Information Event where we invite you to learn more about different health conditions and to meet local service providers. The health event will take place from 12-1:30 pm. You will be encouraged to share your current health and social care experiences, whether booking a GP appointment, getting your prescription or visiting loved ones at a social care home. You can share your ideas on how the services can be improved. You will also find different ways to get involved in your community.
It is also an opportunity to meet the Healthwatch team, their volunteers, and members. A light lunch will be provided, and the meeting will be accessible via Zoom.
How to join?
To receive the link and to register your attendance, please click here. For any enquiries, please email us at