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How can charity trustees centre lived experience?

  • Start: 2nd May, 2024 @ 12:30PM
  • End: 2nd May, 2024 @ 2:00PM
  • Online

Many charities recognise that involving people with lived experience is an essential part of achieving their impact. However, it isn’t always clear where to start or how to meaningfully embed lived experience and fully support those involved. When it comes to governance and decision-making, lived experience involvement can take many forms, depending on a charity’s purpose, activities and structure. In other words, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to involving people with lived experience.

Trustees play a crucial role in creating space for people with lived experience to be a meaningful part of driving impact and bringing about change. First trustees must establish why you want to involve lived experience in governance, what benefits it would bring, and crucially, what is possible for your charity as it stands.

In this free event, run in partnership with Clothworkers Company, and targeted at trustees, we will be:

  • Exploring different approaches to involving people with lived experience in charity governance and decision making
  • Considering which factors may be important in determining the best approach for different charities
  • Discussing what trustees can do to start involving people with lived experience.

Event facilitator

Katie Boswell, Associate Director at NPC, will be chairing the event, and we’ll be joined by speakers from three different organisations, who will share a variety of experiences and approaches to involving lived experience in governance.