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Giving BAME led groups better access to funding opportunities

  • Start: 21st March, 2023 @ 9:30AM
  • End: 21st March, 2023 @ 2:30PM
  • Camberwell Green URC, Love Walk, London, SE5 8AE


What to expect:

This event will give Southwark’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic ( BAME ) led community organisations an opportunity to improve their thinking and approach when applying for grant funding through an interactive storytelling workshop.  Come and share with  other BAME  community leaders and across sectors  your  current grant seeking experiences. There is also a fabulous opportunity to  bring yourself up to date with the latest Southwark funding for the BAME community sector, the Equalities Grant. Lastly don’t forget this event will provide you with a perfect space to build new contacts.

9.30am – 10am: Registration and Networking

10am – 12.30pm: The morning  session:How to put story telling at the heart of a successful funding proposal”  

We are excited to be running an interactive workshop session where you will be introduced  to the benefits of storytelling as an alternative way of presenting your ideas when applying for grant funding or putting together or when pitching for funding. Key takeaways from this session will be  

  • A template on how you can create a simple structure and content for your story.
  • A list of  tips on how to find the right stories to include whatever the application format is or written proposal word or page limit. 

12.30pm – 1pm: After lunch we move quickly into our afternoon session.

1.05pm -2pm: The afternoon  session:

Panel discussion & Q&A ” Have funders changed their grant making to benefit the BAME led community sector?”

We bring together a panel of BAME  community sector leaders who will discuss as a panel their grant seeking experiences over the past 2 years. There is an impressive line up of five panellists. Remi Ray, Diverse Creatives CIC ; Lindon Rankin, Melanin Health and Wellness CIC; Sistah Stella Hedley, Rastafari Movement UK; Leanne Pero, Movement Factory & The Leanne Pero Foundation; Hadi Sharifi , Panjshir Aid. You will get to meet our panellists before the event – bios will be posted of all panellists.

Over several decades BAME led community organisations have often found it difficult to receive grant funding. The BAME community sector has voiced its concern’s of being neglected and excluded from grant funding programmes because of being unfairly treated by funders through over scrutiny, stereotyping and inaccurate perceptions of the way they work. However, since 2020 there seems to have been a shift in the thinking and attitudes of funders towards addressing structural racial inequalities of the funding system.  The big question is are grant seekers from the  BAME community sector experiencing a difference in success when applying for grants?  

There will be an opportunity for questions after the discussion.

2pm – 215pm: How to apply for the £400k Equalities Grant:

To round off this event you will get an update on Southwark Council’s latest £400, 000 Equalities Grant targeted at BAME led community organisations. There will be a presentation from the council on how to apply for the grant and space provided for your to ask questions.

215pm -2.30pm: Reflections & Close

Booking your ticket for our event Tuesday 21st March 9.30am -2.30pm :

You can register for a ticket to suit your requirements . Our flexible ticket options are available at the Eventbrite ticket checkout and are as follows :

A) All event 9.30am -2.30pm

B) Story Telling workshop (Morning Session) 9.30am – 12.30pm ( Maximum Number of 25 people)

C) Panel discussion & Equalities Grant Presentation ( Afternoon Session) 12.30pm -2.30pm

Lunch is 12.30pm -1pm and is included in all ticket options

*This is a closed event for BAME-led groups who are either based in Southwark or have services that operate in Southwark/support Southwark residents. If you are not eligible then your tickets may be cancelled.


C) Panel discussion & Equalities Grant Presentation ( Afternoon Session) 12.30pm -2.30pm
