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Getting On Board – Faith and Trusteeship

  • Start: 6th March, 2024 @ 12:00PM
  • End: 6th March, 2024 @ 1:00PM
  • Online

Some trustees describe faith as a fundamental motivator for their service as a trustee. Join Sophia Moreau, and our panel as they discuss the role that faith can play in trusteeship.

About the session

  • The session will take place on Zoom. The joining link will be sent in the Eventbrite confirmation email. You will also receive email reminders from Eventbrite 2 days, 2 hours and 10 minutes before the session starts. These reminders will also include the joining link.
  • The session will be recorded and be later uploaded to our YouTube channel. We’re so pleased as to how popular our sessions have been, many have sold out. Please only book a ticket if you intend to join the session live. We’d totally recommend subscribing to our YouTube channel so you can be kept up to date with all the new uploads.
  • If the session uses slides, we will send these to all who have booked a ticket following the session. Our panel sessions don’t use slides. If having the slides prior to the session will make it more accessible for you, please email info@gettingonboard.org and we will gladly send them to you.
  • As an attendee, you can enable closed captions during the session. For panels, we ‘spotlight’ panelists so the view stays consistently on those speaking. If you have booked a ticket, please contact info@gettingonboard.org if there are other adjustments we can make to the session to make it accessible to you.