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Charities Aid Foundation – Income diversification

  • Start: 23rd April, 2024 @ 12:00PM
  • End: 23rd April, 2024 @ 1:00PM
  • Online

The pressures of increasing demand, rising costs and reduced funding, are forcing charities to explore new ways to grow income to remain sustainable. Charities Aid Foundation have vast experience on both sides of this coin. As a charity, CAF consultancy is experienced in guiding charities on how best to adapt, develop and maintain winning income diversity strategies. As a provider of finance to the charities, CAF Bank is skilled in analysing the sustainability of income streams.

This webinar pulls together insight from within CAF and other experts in the field, to give an introduction to:

  • Why diversification of income is so important;
  • What a diversified income stream looks like; and
  • How you might be able to diversify your charity’s income.