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Community Organisations – Get Involved!

Are you a charity, community organisation, school or nursery wanting to host some corporate volunteers?

Are you a charity, community organisation, school or nursery wanting to host some corporate volunteers?


If so, Community Southwark can support you to do just that by matching you with one of our corporate partners, organising and facilitating the volunteering and all at no cost to you!

There are two ways you can involve corporate volunteers:

  1. Practical Team Challenges: Do you an in or outdoor space that is in need of improvement? If so, Involve’s Practical Team Challenge programme was designed to support community organisations and schools with limited resources to achieve large space improvement projects. We provide the link between community organisations and groups of business volunteers and organise and facilitate corporate Team Challenge days that aim to deliver high-quality projects that provide invaluable impact to the community. Community organisations we work with include schools and nurseries, adventure playgrounds, community gardens, youth clubs and settlements.

    Together with our teams of corporate volunteers we create spaces that help local people to learn, be happy and thrive and recent projects included: creating (vegetable) gardens, planting trees, digging ponds, building seating areas, improving playgrounds, painting stunning murals and other indoor spaces and much more. We manage the process from start to finish working with you to develop your ideas, providing the facilitation on the day and covering both risk assessment and First Aid to ensure both fun and safe Team Challenges.

    All tools and materials are financed by our Corporate Partners so all of the work is FREE to your organisation. If you have an idea for a project or would like to find out more then we would love to hear from you. Please fill out this form which will give us an idea about your organisation and the tasks you would like completed, email us at: involve@communitysouthwark.org 

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    Skills-Based Volunteering: If you think your organisation could make use of someone’s skills then get in touch. We match your needs to the skills and expertise of our corporate partners and the support you to create an action plan with timeline in which a specific task will be completed by the corporate partner, with your input and insight. We do this by taking you through a quick organisational diagnostic and using the finding to match you effectively with a corporate partner – think Match.com for strategic planning!

    Common topics are: Project management; Strategic planning; Branding / Marketing strategy; Business development; Communications; Change management; Data analysis; Talent management; Business operations; and Business technology.

Get in touch

If you have an idea for a project or would like to find out more then we would love to hear from you. Please fill out this form which will give us an idea about your organisation and the tasks you would like completed, email us at;involve@communitysouthwark.org 

And don’t forget, once the corporate finishes, because we are Community Southwark, you can still access our wide range of free and paid for support to implement and maintain any changes.

Would we love to help you!

If you would like to know more please contact involve@communitysouthwark.org or phone 020 7358 7020