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Community Champions

In each multi-ward forum, a Councillor will be a community champion and will chair these meetings, ensuring they operate effectively.

In each multi-ward forum, a Councillor will be a community champion and will chair these meetings, ensuring they operate effectively.

Contact this councillor and the Empowering Communities Development Officer for more information on ward meetings and multi-forum meetings.

Find out your forum here.

Contact Details
North-East Forum Cllr Sunny Lambe sunny.lambe@southwark.gov.uk ; 07985 114 345
North-West Forum Cllr David Noakes david.noakes@southwark.gov.uk ; 020 7525 1326
East-Central Forum Cllr Dora Dixon-Fyle dora.dixon-fyle@southwark.gov.uk ; 07535 932 329
West-Central Forum Cllr Sunil Copra sunil.chopra@southwark.gov.uk ; 020 7525 4277
South Forum Cllr Andy Simmonds Andy.Simmons@southwark.gov.uk ; 07956 624484