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How does Southwark Council work?

How does Southwark Council work?

Published on 3rd November 2020 under Blog Topic - Alt Can Resources, Alt Southwark Can Homepage, Southwark Can Homepage,
Information on local democracy in Southwark, including councillors, MPs, Empowering Communities, and more.

Planning, Development & Regeneration

Published on 19th August 2020 under Blog Topic - Alt Can Resources, Alt Southwark Can Homepage, Southwark Can Homepage,
The built environment affects the way we all live. Find information about policy, programmes, and legislation to help you navigate the world of planning and regeneration.

Setting up a non-profit or community group

Published on 9th August 2020 under Blog Topic - Alt Can Resources, Resources,
Starting up a new community group is an exciting undertaking and not one to be taken lightly. There are many reasons why people wish to start up their own organisation: to fulfil a need in the community that is not being met; to develop a project that has started informally or to develop a new venture or business idea in the charitable sector.