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CALL OUT for Black Asian and minority ethnic organisations to speak out about barriers to grant funding!

We are working with Equinox Consulting, an independent Black Asian and minority ethnic organisation, to review current practices and make recommendations - (published 8 June 2021)

Published 8 June 2021

Following our  Southwark Stands Together conversations last summer on racism and inequality, the council is doing more work on reviewing its grant making to remove any barriers to equal access to funding for Black Asian and minority ethnic not for profit organisations and community groups


We are working with Equinox Consulting, an independent Black Asian and minority ethnic organisation, to review current practices and make recommendations.


They will look at:

  • how targeted support can be offered to groups from Black Asian and minority ethnic   backgrounds, who have not previously accessed grant funding
  • whether the way in which we structure our grant making enables or disables people to access these opportunities;
  • the support in place for people to access funding;
  • our grant making and commissioning processes and requirements and the barriers these may generate


If you consider your organisation to be a Black Asian and minority ethnic group, then there is an opportunity to speak to them directly and tell them more about this area and your experiences.



Please send an email to Equinox at: sst@equinoxconsulting.net with your details and they will be in touch with you