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Café Conversations – for adults with learning disabilities

The Café Conversations were hosted by three amazing local voluntary and community sector groups: Autism Voice, Bede House Association and Cherry Gardens Day Centre.

As part of our research into access to healthcare services for adults with learning disabilities, we hosted three Café Conversations events in February 2024. Over 50 people attended the Cafes, receiving vouchers, goodie bags, and a variety of delicious snacks!

We invited adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults, carers, and healthcare professionals who provide services for this group, to help identify the barriers to healthcare access and work together to find solutions.

The Cafes were hosted by three local voluntary and community sector groups: Autism Voice, Bede House Association, and Cherry Gardens Day Centre. The lovely staff helped support their service users to meet new people and express their ideas.

We will use the learnings from the Cafes to write a report which will be presented to the community and statutory partners. This will include recommendations for how providers can improve healthcare services for adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults.











Quotes from attendees:

“We finally felt heard.”


“Interactive event, a chance to discuss matters with other people who have experienced the same difficulties.”


Who attended the Café Conversations?

Meet your Healthwatch Southwark team by emailing info@healthwatchsouthwark.org