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Borough and Bankside

Learn more about Borough and Bankside

On this Page:

  1. Wards & Councillors
  2. Wards Map
  3. Empowering Communities
  4. Demographics

Wards & Councillors

Councillors represent their areas, or wards, to the council and give a voice to their communities. Borough & Bankside have 3 wards with a total of 8 councillors. There are 5 seats occupied by liberal democrat candidates, and 3 seats occupied by labour candidates. Get in touch with councillors if you have an issue that is affecting you or the area you live in. Click on the names in each councillor listed on the map to be redirected to their contact details.

Find your councillors (coming soon)

Wards Map

Empowering Communities

Empowering communities is a community engagement programme run by southwark council. The programme comprises of regular individual ward meetings held by councillors, and two multi-ward meetings per year. The aim of empowering communities is to make communicating local issues to the council easier for communities.

Each of Borough & Bankside’s wards meet with their councillors a few times per year to talk about issues affecting their neighbourhood, and discuss ways that public money and time could be spent improving it, or even new
regeneration proposals in the area. Everyone in the neighbourhood is welcome to join these meetings.

We’ve put together a page with more information on the Empowering Communities programme and who you can get in contact with to get involved.



Below we have compiled some basic information to help your understanding of Borough & Bankside. Besides what you see below, there are also a number of other avenues you can pursue to uncover more specific statistics and quantitative information about Southwark.




Life Expectancy

Men: 85.2, Women: 88.8


Non-white: 42.9%, White: 57.1%


325 live births p/a

Crime Rate per 1,000


Child Poverty Rate

22.7% of families with children claiming out-of-work benefits. (National average 13.5%)

Local Deprivation Rank
(Out of 23)

St. George’s: 7th, Chaucer: 13th, Borough & Bankside: 18th. Southwark ranked 40th out of 326 local authorities for deprivation (high deprivation)

*Source: ‘Multi-Ward Profiles 2019 North-West Southwark’; Southwark’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (Southwark Council: London, 2019).