The Upper Norwood Library Hub is a multi-purpose community and performance arts space in Crystal Palace.
This Autumn/Winter 2022/23 UNLH is delivering and offering free and impartial energy advice, through a government funded programme called The Big Energy Saving Network.
Members of the UNLH Regional Champions team have been trained by Citizens Advice to deliver this scheme, in order to empower consumers and raise awareness around fuel companies and utility bills.
With the current difficulties around energy consumption, it is important members of the public understand how and why this affects them and their bills.
This Free frontline worker training and host presentations is to help householders save energy and money in their homes, plus learn how to stay warmer during the cold winter months.
This small team would be interested in visiting organisations to host talks or train employees/volunteers, in order to give out the correct information and resources – this service is totally free of charge.
The talks are short and informative. The aim is to provide advice on:
- Lowering energy costs
- Different energy tariffs
- Understanding utility bills
- How and why to switch energy supplier
- Price comparison searches
- Grants such as Warm Home discount of £150
- Priority Services Register.
The team can further provide one to one sessions with individuals if they have any private or particular issues such as fuel debt/hard to heat homes. In terms of time and location the delivery of this scheme is flexible, however the cut off point will be at the end of April 2023.
The team feel this scheme would be of interest to community groups.