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Better supporting our members though improved communications.

Community Southwark will start implementing changes in the coming months based on our recent learning and consultations with you all.

At the beginning of the year, Community Southwark developed a Communications Strategy for the next 2 years.  We want to make sure that all our communication channels allow you to easily access the support and resources you need, share news and connect with other members. 

We will start implementing changes in the coming months based on our recent learning and consultations with you all. We will keep you updated as we make changes. 

Here are some key changes that will take place over the next few months: 


Our email newsletter will continue to be the primary channel for sharing important updates, upcoming events, and ways to get involved.  There will be 4 e-bulletins, one sent each week: 

  • Week 1: Training and Events e-bulletin 
  • Week 2: Funding e-bulletin 
  • Week 3: Community News e-bulletin 
  • Week 4: Volunteers’ e-bulletin 
Share your news.

Our submissions form is available for VCS groups to share news.  Once submitted, it is then uploaded onto our website under community news.   

We can publish news, jobs and events/training that you would like to publicise to the voluntary and community sector in Southwark.  Items from this section will be included in our Community News E-bulletin. 

Our website news section is best suited if you want to reach charities, community groups and other not-for-profit groups in Southwark. Please note that although community groups we work with can reach individuals in Southwark, our website is not always the best way to interact with individual residents.   

We will be making changes to the submission form so that groups can easily find out what they need to add when submitting.   

Longer-term, we will be making changes to our website to make it more accessible and easier to navigate.  There will also be changes to our social media channels and we will trial a member WhatsApp group.  We hope these changes will be positive for all our members allowing you to build capacity, foster stronger connections and amplify your collective impact! 

We welcome feedback.  If you have any ideas or questions, please email us at info@communitysouthwark.org