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Bede House and Evelina Children’s Heart Organisation

...share the benefit of Community Southwark's support

In 2018 Our Impact & Evaluation Officer supported Bede House and Evelina Children’s Heart Organisation with their impact evaluation frameworks.

There has been an increase in demand for organisations — across both charitable and commercial sectors — to provide more information about their social and environmental impact. This evidence can be the difference between a funder saying yes or no.

In this short film below, you can hear real feedback from Bede and ECHO’s staff, on their positive experiences of working with Community Southwark.

The CEO of Bede House said:

“Community Southwark were very approachable and very hands on.. they really listened to me”

The CEO of Evelina Children’s Heart Organisation (ECHO) said:

“The fact that Community Southwark were invested in us was invaluable.. So if they exist to help out, go to them”


This film is an example of how we support Southwark groups and organisations to improve their evaluation and impact skills, through 1:1 intensive support sessions and practical workshops. You can find out more here about .

Does your organisation need support? Or maybe you would like to have a conversation to see if you’re on the right track?

Contact our dedicated Evaluation & Impact Support Officer, Mya:

Email: mya@communitysouthwark.org

Phone: 020 7358 7262

Would you like a spotlight?

Please get in touch if you would like a spotlight film or website article created by our Community Southwark communications team on your charity, or if you have a ‘Good News Story’ to share: communications@communitysouthwark.org You can showcase these films or articles on your website and social media to help you to showcase the work that you do and recruit more volunteers.

Also, if Community Southwark has supported your organisation in some way, whether that be with a funding application, your monitoring & evaluation, volunteer management, or any other area, we would love to hear from you! Please get in touch using the same above email address.