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2022-23 Annual Members’ Survey Report: Key Findings and Actions

We asked you to share your thoughts about Community Southwark and received an amazing response. We have written a report based on your contributions - click here to find out more!

For our annual members’ survey, we asked you from February-April 2023 to share your thoughts and recommendations about Community Southwark . This includes its services, events, and communications, among other aspects of its support for the Southwark VCS.

Your feedback was welcome. It helps us tailor our support more effectively to meet our strategic objectives, around which the report is structured:

  • Strategic Objective 1: A more impactful, sustainable, and collaborative Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS)
  • Strategic Objective 2: A more inclusive, diverse, and equal Southwark
  • Strategic Objective 3: Voluntary and Community Sector able to influence change

CLICK HERE to download the 2022-23 Annual Members’ Survey Report.

As promised, we have conducted a prize draw to give one participating organisation £100! This is in recognition of the time the Southwark VCS has spent responding to the survey. CLICK HERE to see this prize draw.