Stepping Stones is a thriving, longstanding and highly valued community organisation. We have delivered activities for over 30 years and our weekly classes are an important part of the lives of people who attend.
Our main delivery is a timetable of up to 13 weekly classes from our base a multipurpose community centre. We also have activities off site including gardening at a local allotment and music and art classes at a day centre and residential home. Each week over 100 people benefit from our activities.
We are seeking an enthusiastic and agile manager who will be at the heart of the organisation and will lead a small team of qualified tutors and volunteers in continuing to provide high quality experiences for the people who attend.
Stepping Stones is a community that loves to socialise and learn new skills together. Our current programme includes art, dance, drama and music, together with digital skills and cooking.
This role is responsible for strategic development with the guidance of the Board of Trustees, income generation, and the management of all aspects of service delivery. It is our intention to appoint a new post of Activity Co-ordinator to support the Charity Manager as budgets allow. You will play an active part in designing this role so that it enhances our delivery and increases capacity within the organisation.
Our experience during the pandemic and consequently, has shown us that being together in real life is an essential element of our offer to the people who attend Stepping Stones and so this post requires a physical presence preferably 3 days per week during the period when classes are running (30 weeks per year). We are open in our approach to recruitment and are keen to support the right candidate to flourish. This means that we are happy to consider flexible working hours and an annualised hours contract if this supports your work life balance.
Further information about the role can be found at
Application is via CharityJobs.
Interested candidates are welcome to contact us via for an informal chat to to request further information.