“Strong local not-for-profits and active citizens are the backbone of our community. We are honoured to be able to serve them in everything that we do”
Core Team
Anood, Al-Samerai
Chief Executive Officer | 07813935708
Jenni Henry
HR & Office Manager | 07946104174
Vani Niranjan
Finance Manager | 07599653487
Abbi Moreno
Finance & Admin Assistant
VCS Support Team
Syeda Hussain
VCS Support Manager | 07599653483
Avi Kay
VCS Support Officer I 07933503985
Hugh Stultz
VCS Support Officer (Ethnic Minority VCS) I 07599 653501
Betty Efemini
VCS Support Officer (Ethnic Minority VCS) I 07599 653494
David Reid
VCS Support Officer (Ethnic Minority VCS) | 07599653491
Projects Team
Katherine de Kretser
Projects Manager | 07599653488
Gosia Kaczmarczyk
Membership and Outreach Officer | 07599653482
Stas Smagala
Partnerships and Projects Officer | 07599653493
Jeremy Dobson
Evaluation and Impact Officer | 07599653497
Alex Wells
VCS Premises and Policy Officer | 07599653492
Volunteering Team
Elizabeth Smith
Volunteering Manager | 07944962820
Ruth Donaldson
Volunteering Officer | 07599653477
Corporate Volunteering Lead |
Healthwatch Southwark
You can email the Healthwatch Southwark team at:
Rhyana Ebanks-Babb
Healthwatch Southwark Manager | 07935346503
Izzy Hester
Community Health Ambassadors Officer | 07599653484
Ruman Kallar
Research and Projects Officer | 07599653479
Mariam Moalin
Community Engagement Officer | 07599653500