Southwark Service User Network (SUN) is a community-based support group for adults experiencing difficulties with complex emotional needs. SUN aims to empower people to problem solve their current struggles – emotional, relational, social, and practical.
How our service can help you:
We offer crisis and peer support groups for adults in Southwark with emotional and relationship difficulties. This includes people who might be feeling impulsive, suicidal or self-harming.
Who can join SUN?
You can refer yourself to Southwark SUN Project if you are an adult who lives in the borough, or if you are registered with a Southwark GP. We welcome people from all sorts of backgrounds to learn from each other’s experiences.
How the group works:
Each group runs for two-and-a-half hours with breaks. You can attend Southwark SUN groups as often or as little as you wish. SUN groups offer peer support. Members both offer and receive support at different times. Two health professionals facilitate the group. All of the support provided by Southwark SUN Project happens within the groups themselves, in a confidential and safe space. New members are helped to complete a Crisis and Support Plan (CASP). A CASP sets out the steps you take to cope with stress and any challenges in life, so that the group knows how best to support you in times of crisis.
Who can benefit from SUN?
Any adult experiencing difficulties with complex emotional needs, including challenges with relationships, stress, and impulsivity. This may or may not have led to a formal diagnosis. We also welcome people from all sorts of backgrounds to learn from each other’s experiences.
Why do people join SUN?
SUN has been used in other parts of the UK, and members report:
-Better ability to problem solve difficulties and things causing stress
-Feeling understood and accepted
-Less contact with crisis or emergency services
-To get ideas about how to cope
-Less risky or destructive behaviours
-Feeling less alone and isolated
What happens at a SUN group?
Each group meeting is two-and-a-half hours, and follows the same three stage format with breaks in between each stage:
-Check In: people talk about how they are feeling/thinking, what support they want from the group, and/or whether they can offer support to others
-Main discussion: depending on what topics or themes are raised at the check in, the group negotiate an agenda (always prioritising risk) and offer support and advice to each other, including alternative ways of coping.
-Check Out: people are asked to confirm they are safe to leave the group, and if needed they are signposted for further support.
Is SUN like a Community Mental Health Team?
No, all the work in SUN is done within the group as the peer support element is key. The facilitators do not spend individual time with members. Whilst attending SUN, you can still be open to another mental health team and in crisis you would be signposted to relevant services.
If you are interested to learn more about SUN, please have a look at our website where you will find a link to our self referral form (which is also here:
Or feel free to make contact with any questions you may have by Email: or by Phone: 0203 228 1901