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A hello from Jeremy, our new Evaluation and Impact Officer

Our new Evaluation and Impact Officer tells us about Make Your Mark, a training programme to help VCS groups monitor, evaluate and report on their work in Southwark.

Our new Evaluation and Impact Officer tells us about Make Your Mark, a training programme to help VCS groups monitor, evaluate and report on their work in Southwark.

Hello! I’m Jeremy and last month began working with Community Southwark. I previously worked for a media planning company based in Holborn where I developed skills to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Since October 2020, I have volunteered at Brixton and Norwood foodbank, where I became keen to work with local volunteering groups full-time.

I now work in Community Southwark’s Projects team, led by Katherine de Kretser, and work closely with the VCS Support team on outreach events. I will be supporting the volunteering and community sector in their efforts to monitor and evaluate their activities. This will help our members promote themselves to the public, aid them in funding applications, and help identify areas in need of improvement.

To do this, we are restarting the Make Your Mark training programme in July.

Mark Your Mark will equip you with the tools needed to collect data, analyse it effectively, and report your impact. To do this, we will help you create a roadmap for meeting your objectives through at theory of change. We will explain KPIs, and how these might be useful for your organisation. With the help of technical specialists Superhighways, we will also provide masterclasses on data collection tools and reporting impact. We will set up a buddy system, so you can learn from other organisations, and provide up to four hours of free one-on-one support.

At present we are recruiting. If you are a member – or would like to become one quickly, easily and free of charge – you are welcome to join as the Make Your Mark champion for your organisation. Please fill in this short application to register your interest.

I look forward to getting to you better through Make Your Mark, and wish you all the best.